Thursday, April 23, 2009


One of my secondary conditions I occasionally get is called vasculitis. It is not unusual to get this with an autoimmune disease. There are many different types, but over all it is the inflammation of blood vessels. A good reference website is vasculitis foundation. Here is info on the type of vasculitis I was diagnosed with 2 years ago.

Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP) is a systemic vasculitis that causes the blood vessels in the skin to become inflamed, causing red spots. When the blood vessels in the skin get inflamed, they can bleed, causing a rash that is called purpura. This rash is typically seen on the lower legs or arms. The specific skin lesion is characterized by the tissue deposition of an immune system product, called IgA immunoglobulin, which is also found in kidneys of patients with a renal disease, called IgA nephropathy.

HSP occurs more often in children than in adults, and many cases follow an upper respiratory tract infection (infection in your sinuses and /or lungs). Half of affected children are under age five, although kidney involvement is more likely to be severe in older children. Compared to children, adults had more severe and frequent kidney involvement.

The first time I had this I was at work and kept thinking I had a never ending charlie horse in my legs. I finally pulled up my pants and saw the rash occurring. My co-worker's father had this one time and recognized it. I had 2 skin biopsies done to confirm. One was on my leg and the other on my belly. I have had a few mild outbreaks with it since then. (2 years ago) The worst was that first 2 months it happened. I am in remission with it, but if I can get a flare up anytime. It is normally treated with prednisone or another immune suppressant drug. ***Update*** A more recent post on a new diagnosis of vasculitis.


Denise @ Sunflowers, Chocolate and Little Boys said...

The fun never ends does it. I pray someday they find a cure for Sjogrens and every other auto immune disease. And thanks for putting my blog button on your blog. It means alot to me :-)

My Life Works Today! said...

This was one of the first symptoms I had heading into my diagnosis with lupus nephritis - although the dermatologist ignored the physician's assistant diligence in finding out the connection. Instead he put me on a medication that sent me into anaphylactic shock to treat the rash. Of course, if he had looked at my blood work, he would've seen that I was anemic.

I just want to encourage everyone to insist that all of their doctors are together in the treatment program so one hand knows what the other is doing. I know that it can be tough getting them to cooperate sometimes, but it is a potentially life-or-death issue we need to focus diligently on in making it happen. We owe it to ourselves and our loved ones.

Thanks for writing about it, Vicky ~ sending you a smile today and always

Vicky said...

My Goodness! anaphylactic shock? I was told to take benadryl and not to worry by the office staff of my rheumy. They would not let me talk to him because he was at his other office. I told them it wasn't that kind of rash. Finally, after suffering for almost 4 days, I called my nephrologist and he helped me out. Finally, after my nephrologist got ahold of my rhuemy and told him what was rhuemy called me and talked to me for a few minutes about what happened with his staff. The next thing I know I get a bill for him calling me!!!! The nerve! Needless to say, I don't see him anymore. LOL

Vicky said...

BTW Maria, for some reason I can never comment on your blog. I type it out and it states that I have a suspicious something or another. LOL Can you fix that?

April said...

I have sjogrens and randomly stumbled onto your are amazing! I am your newest follower!